Prior to directing her energies to safe cosleeping, Tiffany Belanger studied at UCLA and pursued a career in the film and television industry. After becoming a mother, she found it difficult to find reliable information on safe cosleeping when her newborn refused to sleep in his bassinet. The only way her family could get any sleep was to bedshare. After months of in-depth research and real-life trial and error, she started a blog to educate and empower other parents who found themselves with a baby in their bed. Tiffany continued to study the history and science of cosleeping and reached out to leading safe sleep experts for the most accurate research and recommendations. Her work resonated with parents all over the world, and it wasn't long before she developed a large online community of families sharing similar stories. She is the founder of the platform and its related social media.
She often appears in the media on the controversy surrounding cosleeping. In interviews, she serves as both a sleep consultant and everyday representative of the modern parent who made the informed choice to cosleep with their children. Tiffany lives in northern California with her husband and two sons.