Allison Davis Maxon has created a unique, strength-based, and culturally sensitive workbook to assist children and teens in examining their Seven Core Issues. It is the third publication about the Seven Core Issues meant to enlighten, empower, and offer a roadmap to healing. All children separated from their families of origin have a trauma, even if it occurs right after birth. Many children have additional traumas based on subsequent moves and losses. Most of these traumas occurred at a pre-verbal time in a child's life but are remembered in the body. They need to be teased out through the types of exercises this workbook offers. The workbook is a tool to empower children who have experienced foster care, adoption, and relative care. Often children and teens' voices have been unheard, leaving their parents and professionals without the true knowledge needed to address and heal childhood wounds or to respond to child and teens' concerns and questions.
Through the use of the tools in the workbook, attachments are deepened, and healing can occur.