"This is the first book of underwater photography from America's most famous lake, which stretches over 191 miles on the California-Nevada state line.Lake Tahoe is legendary for its crystal-clear turquoise waters. EvenMark Twain commented on its ""dazzling"" and ""brilliant"" clarity. But fewpeople have ever brought their camera below the water's surface. The uneven contours of the boulder-strewnshoreline cause wobbles and spouts as the wells wash up on the banksand roll back into the lake. The camera lens captures bizarre andfluid shapes that form faster than the eye can see or the mind cancomprehend. More than 180 images show Tahoe's breathtaking submarinescenery, from its teal shallows, rounded boulders, and swirlingcompositions to the surreal still lifes in its quiet depths. Foreveryone who loves Lake Tahoe, the images are a lasting reminder of itssingular beauty--and a call to help preserve its health.
The water is so clear and filled with so much color, it's like splashing liquid glass.".