Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Truer words have never been spoken, particularly as it applies to glass fusing. There are times when we would love to repeat a perfect firing outcome or an amazing but unanticipated effect. There are other times when we encounter a disappointing result that we would like to avoid in the future. This is where record keeping plays an important role. These Fusing Log Sheets come in a familiar writing pad style with convenient tear off pages. Each log page is pre-printed (in 2 colours) with easy to use check boxes for the most common types and styles of fuse firings. There is a space to describe the glass and components in the project and another to make a simple sketch.
Two blank firing schedule tables are set-up in a format that is invaluable when its time to program the digital controller. Then a conclusion and observation area is available for comments and suggestions to help you make appropriate decisions when planning similar projects in the future.