As an author Michael has written many books in his name, he takes on the top job as a servantworker, immersed into the corporation by developing programs, bringing to the corporation, a quiet, stablestyle while developing other officers in other cities with the focus of building management team toimprove manufacturing capability and provide world distribution. Michael can be found dressed in a t-shirt,jeans, and running shoes or suits, Michael functions like a captain of an Army Ants colony makingcommunication his number one priority and like a worker bee, making industriousness key todetermination to reach his goal. To him no job is insignificant and there is no role that he won't play, heworks like the perfect Nun and the undetectable Green Beret. Visit us and read his biography.He enjoys dramatic writing, fine art, and exotic living. He is a connoisseur of great music anda lover of theatrical performances.
He is an avid ice skater and loves roller skating and stock car racing. Heconsiders himself fruitful and is called, "the favored one".