Frontmatter 1 Contents 5 The Cultures of Entanglement: On Nonhuman Life Forms in Contemporary Art 9 The Lawn (Re)Disturbance Laboratory A Public Experiment in Collaboration with Seeds, Time, and Weeds 15 Saddening the Green: The Politics and Poetics of the South African Lawn 25 Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Botanique: Undergoing Nature as a Pedagogy of Resistance to the Anthropocene 39 "The flowers, after all, didn't understand Greek": Plants, Politics, Poetics 51 The Potential of Ruderal Societies and Perfectly Provisional Areas in the Works of Lois Weinberger 67 Songs the Plants Taught us: Strange Entanglements of Vinyl Records and Horticulture 79 The Blue Rose 105 After Nature, Coding and Reading Plant Life 121 Not a Rose and the Impossibility to Be a Revolutionary and Not Like Flowers 125 Trojan Horse Manifesto 131 Human-Animal Studies - Bridging the lacuna between academia and society 137 Animal Artistic Agency: Contemporary Interspecies Art and Relational Aesthetics 149 Heads and/or Tails 165 Viscous, Molten, and Phased: Undergoing Nature with Non-Human Aesthetics, Hypo-objects, & Strange Tools 177 L'animal que donc je suis - Pierre Huyghe and Jacques Derrida 195 Revolutionary Flowers: Sex, Gender and Politics in Early Modern Dance 211 Critical Knowledge Practices from the Margins: Plants and the Like 231 The Art of Gardening in South Africa: Three Cases of Eco-Political Landscaping from the Global South 247 Tue Greenfort: Questioning Dichotomies 267 Questioning the Non-Human Other: Political Potentials of Living Beings in Contemporary Art 283 The Invisible Thread: The Materiality and Infrastructures of Digital Animal Observation 291 Tiny Plants (?) with Big Effect 307 The Eusocial Cathedral and the Buzzaar: A Novel Synthesis from De- and Reconstructing the Living and the Artificial 327 Return to Dilmun 355 Pyrexia 361 Spearlight 365 Acknowledgments 371 List of Authors 373.
The Cultures of Entanglement : On Nonhuman Life Forms in Contemporary Art