".a valuable resource." -- Laura MacDonald, Theatre Topics "In Beyond Broadway, Stacy Wolf, one of the foremost scholars of Broadway musicals, takes a fascinating journey across America to explore how enthusiastic youth and adults put on shows all over the place: in schools, summer camps, community theaters, dinner theaters, and countless off-the-beaten track venues. She reveals a vibrant amateur scene that runs parallel to -- and ultimately sustains -- top-flight Broadway productions. Lively, incisive, brimming with good will and brilliant commentary, this book will appeal to a span of readers as broad and inclusive as the productions it chronicles." -- Carol J. Oja, author of Bernstein Meets Broadway: Collaborative Art in a Time of War "Beyond Broadway takes us thousands of miles from New York City to the heartland of musical theatre in America. Surveying the work of dozens of amateur companies, schools, and summer camps, Stacy Wolf provides gorgeously detailed and revealing portraits of the many devotees across the country who pour their hopes and dreams into the Broadway musical.
Her rich analysis of this thriving industry is a model of engaged scholarship while her devotion to the countless people down in the trenches transmutes Beyond Broadway into an act of love." -- David Savran, The Graduate Center, City University of New York.