Part One: Performing Humanity, Animality, and Gender Chapter One: Female Beasties: Camp Resistance in 1950s Wom-Animal Creature Features Bridgitte Barclay Chapter Two: "Either you're mine or you're not mine": Controlling Gender, Nature, and Technology in Her and Ex Machina Christy Tidwell Chapter Three: Octavia Butler and the Language of the Flesh: Re-Writing Nature in Wild Seed Amelia Z. Greene Part Two: Gendering the Natural World Chapter Four: Tendrils, Tentacles, and Flower Power: Speciesism in Womaneater (1958) and The Gardener (1974) Fernando Gabriel Pagnoni Berns and Juan Juvé Chapter Five: "So Very Natural an Occurrence": Engendering Nature's Antagonism in Mary Shelley's The Last Man Steve Asselin Part Three: Contemporary Queering Chapter Six: Engineered Nature, (En)gendered Nature in Kim Stanley Robinson's 2312 Tyler Harper Chapter Seven: Ecologies of Sound: Queer Intimacy, Trans-Corporeality, and Reproduction in Upstream Color Stina Attebery Part Four: "We Don't Need Another Hero" Chapter Eight: Nature Boys & Bears in Pants: Ecoqueer Hybrid Heroes in Atomic Age Comics Jill E. Anderson Chapter Nine: Saving Eden: Whiteness, Masculinity, and Environmental Nostalgia in Soylent Green and WALL-E Michelle Yates Chapter Ten: Mad Max: Beyond Petroleum? Carter Soles.
Gender and Environment in Science Fiction