Site Analysis illustrates a step-by-step process for collecting, analyzing, and communicating relevant contextual data to inform the place-specific design of buildings, open spaces, and other key components of the built environment. By blending theory with application, this new Fourth Edition offers a methodology for understanding how context can inspire and inform sustainable design solutions across a range of spatial scales, with a focus on urban environments. This Fourth Edition offers a new chapter on concept formulation that explains the ties between site analysis findings and subsequent design decisions, and a new chapter on site plan and design review that guides designers through the regulatory processes for reviewing, modifying, and approving infill and other development design proposals. Updated to address relevant issues, such as climate change and urban revitalization, this Fourth Edition includes expanded information on natural hazards as it relates to assessing a site's suitability for land development or hazard mitigation programs. A new appendix includes a compilation of review questions that will help professionals preparing for the ARE, LARE, or AICP exams, and offers a comparative, cross-disciplinary guide to accreditation standards (e.g. NAAB, LAAB), codes of ethics (e.g.
AIA, ASLA), and licensing/certification standards (e.g. ARE, AICP, LARE).