NEW! Coverage of Office 2016 features ensures that students are learning the skills they need to work in today''s job market. A project-based approach clusters learning objectives around the projects, rather than software features. The instruction is based on the teachable moment where students learn important concepts at the exact moment they are practicing the skills. Explanations and concepts are woven into each step without making students read long paragraphs of text before interacting with the software. Learning outcomes are clearly stated, with numbered objectives, so students always know what they need to learn. Each Project Opening Page clearly outlines: Project Activities: what the student will do in this project Project Files: what starting files are needed and how the student will save the files Project Results: what the student''s finished project will look like The clean design includes plenty of screenshots that validate students'' actions and engage visual learners. Color-coded steps guide students through the projects with colors coded by project. End-of-project icons let students know when they have completed a project, especially useful in self-paced or online classes.
NEW! In-text boxed content is included in-line with the instruction--not in the margins--so students won''t miss this important information and will learn it in context with what is on their screen. This applies to Another Way, Notes, More Knowledge, Alerts, and By Touch. Teach the Course You Want in Less Time: the GO! series'' one-of-a-kind instructional system provides you with everything you need to prepare for class, teach the material, and assess your students. Student Assignment Tracker lets students to track their own work. Solution Files offer examples of homework submissions to serve as examples for students Teach PowerPoint Presentations provide a visual walk-through of every chapter with suggested lecture notes included. Audio PowerPoint Presentations provide a visual walk-through of the chapter with the lecture notes read out loud. Assess Every assignment is accompanied by either a scoring checklist, a task-specific rubric, or an analytic rubric. Solution Files are provided in three formats: native file, PDF, and annotated PDF.
Rubrics provide guidelines for grading open-ended projects. Testbank questions are available for you to create your own objective-based quizzes for review. NEW! IT Innovation Station lets you stay current with Office and Windows updates, news, and trends, especially now that Microsoft Office is in the cloud. Monthly updates on the MyITLab Community site,, from Pearson''s product team and author-instructors will offer tips on understanding updates, using new capabilities, implementing new instructional techniques, and optimizing your Office usage.