Microsoft(R) Office365/2019: In Practice offers a freshapproach to teaching today's students Microsoft(R) Office skills by clearlyintroducing skills in logical order: 1) T opic 2) I nstructionand 3) P ractice. Nordell's TIP approach builds a foundation for successby helping students apply what they learn, and provides transferable skillsthat allow students to grasp critical thinking beyond the textbook assignments. In Practice seamlessly integrates with SIMnet, McGraw-HillEducation's learning and assessment solution, which houses content to helpstudents practice and master computing concepts and Microsoft(R) Office skills. InPractice auto-graded projects allow students to practice theirskills in a live Office application, and upon completion receive immediatefeedback and insights. The integration of the In Practice textbook series withSIMnet, helps meet the diverse needs of students and accommodate individuallearning styles.
Microsoft Word 365 Complete: in Practice, 2019 Edition