Your Adventure Begins .#xA0;Penicia is a world far from our own. #xA0; It abounds with magic, enchanted creatures, perilous dangers and thrills. #xA0; The races dwell in peace with each other but constantly contend with the fierce creatures of this vast world. #xA0; You may face Dragons, Mutant Bats, or the horrific Goblin race bent on world domination.#xA0;Choose an occupation to excel in: Knight, Savage, Ninja, Enchanter, Alchemist, Mentalist or many more. #xA0; Then by force of will, strength of heart and courage in your abilities face the challenges of Penicia.#xA0;During your travels, you will acquire knowledge, treasures and enlightenment.
#xA0; You may gain fame and fortune or you may perish an unsung hero in the middle of a desert, jungle or within the depths of the world. #xA0; Either way you shall journey within the infinite realms of theIsles of Penicia.