All orders for the regular 11th Edition will be automatically upgraded to the Update Edition. Please note the following changes made to the 11e Update Edition. As the authors were researching material on the COBOL standard, they realized that the planned COBOL 2008 standard (discussed in the 11th edition) did not in fact occur. Some of the items marked as COBOL 2008 in the 11th edition had in fact changed in 2002, and some marked as COBOL 2008 will now finally be changed in the upcoming proposed COBOL 2013 standard. Therefore, in the Update Edition, we have changed the icons to indicate COBOL 2002 changes and the upcoming proposed COBOL 2013 changes. We removed all references to NetExpress, (which Wiley no longer distributes,) and added information on the new Micro Focus Academic Program. As of Summer 2013, members of this program are eligible to receive free licenses of Visual COBOL for teaching; free downloads of Visual COBOL Personal Edition for students; f ree online web support through community forums, blogs, and support network; and access to online software documentation and product manuals. Visit www. for information on how to join. Some instructors reported that their students complained that the book felt dated, due to the older dates in code output. For a more contemporary feel, we changed these dates to the current year. We added program names to Practice Programs in the text for easier reference.