Foreword -- Preface -- 100 Rogues -- Across Age DX -- Angry Birds -- Babylonian Twins Premium -- Battle for Wesnoth -- Blobster -- The Blocks Cometh -- Broken Sword -- Canabalt -- Compression -- Cow Trouble -- Cut the Rope -- Dark Nebula -- Dirt -- Doodle Jump -- Doom II RPG -- Edge -- Enviro-Bear 2010 -- EpicWin -- Flight Control -- Forget-Me-Not -- Frogatto -- Fruit Ninja -- Garage Inc -- Geared -- Godville -- Halcyon -- Hand of Greed -- Hard Lines -- Helsing's Fire -- Hook Champ -- The Incident -- Infinity Blade -- Jet Car Stunts -- Karoshi -- Labyrinth -- Land-a Panda -- Minigore -- Monkey Island -- Mos Speedrun -- Nimble Strong -- No, Human -- Osmos -- Pizza Boy -- Plants vs. Zombies -- Pocket God -- Pocket Legends -- Poto and Cabenga -- The Raging Dead -- Robosockets -- Rolando -- A Short Game About Jumping -- Shot Shot Shoot -- Silverfish -- Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure -- Solipskier -- Soosiz -- Space Miner -- Spider -- Super Stickman Golf -- Superbrothers -- Sword of Fargoal -- Tilt to Live -- Tiny Tower -- Toki Tori -- Words With Friends -- Zen Bound -- Acknowledgments.