Acknowledgements; Chapter 1: Welcome to exponential times; 1.1 The importance of data; 1.2 The downside of data; 1.3 The changing face of collaboration; 1.4 Conclusion; Chapter 2: How technology changes organisations; 2.1 The concept of sociomateriality; 2.2 The concept of technology in organisations; 2.3 The introduction of the artificial; 2.
4 Towards a tripartite analysis of sociomateriality; 2.5 Conclusion; Chapter 3: Big data analytics to understand the context; 3.1 Datafying your business; 3.2 From data to information to wisdom; 3.3 Analytics use cases; 3.4 Sensing, seizing and transforming; 3.5 Empowerment and open strategizing; 3.5.
1 Security analytics; 3.5.2 The Chief Information Security Officer; 3.5 Security and privacy; 3.6 Conclusion; Chapter 4: Blockchain to distribute the organisation; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 What is blockchain; 4.2.
1 Cryptographic primitives; 4.2.2 The consensus mechanism; 4.2.3 Transactions; 4.2.4 Smart contracts; 4.2.
5 The decentralised ecosystem; 4.2.6 Changing organisation design; 4.3 Cryptocurrencies and tokenomics; 4.4 Blockchain and privacy regulation; 4.5 Trustless transactions; 4.6 Blockchain and reputation; 4.7 How blockchain changes collaboration across industries; 4.
7.1 The financial services industry; 4.7.2 The retail industry; 4.7.3 The telecom industry; 4.7.4 The manufacturing industry; 4.
7.5 The content industry; 4.8 Conclusion; Chapter 5: The convergence of big data analytics and blockchain; 5.1 Data sharing; 5.2 Data governance; 5.3 Data security; 5.3.1 Data confidentiality; 5.
3.2 Data integrity; 5.3.3 Data availability; 5.4 Data privacy and identity; 5.5 Data ownership; 5.6 Conclusion; Chapter 6: Artificial intelligence to automate the organisation; 6.1 The algorithmic organisation; 6.
2 Conversational AI; 6.3 The dangers of AI; 6.3.1 Explainable AI; 6.3.2 Incorporating AI ethics; 6.3.3 Control methods and the principal-agent problem; 6.
4 Conclusion; Chapter 7: Turning your organisation into a data organisation; 7.1 Datafy; 7.2 Distribute; 7.3 Analyse; 7.4 Automate; 7.5 A note on privacy; 7.6 Conclusion; Epilogue: Towards data-driven globalisation; Glossary of Terms; References; Index ions; 4.2.
4 Smart contracts; 4.2.5 The decentralised ecosystem; 4.2.6 Changing organisation design; 4.3 Cryptocurrencies and tokenomics; 4.4 Blockchain and privacy regulation; 4.5 Trustless transactions; 4.
6 Blockchain and reputation; 4.7 How blockchain changes collaboration across industries; 4.7.1 The financial services industry; 4.7.2 The retail industry; 4.7.3 The telecom industry; 4.
7.4 The manufacturing industry; 4.7.5 The content industry; 4.8 Conclusion; Chapter 5: The convergence of big data analytics and blockchain; 5.1 Data sharing; 5.2 Data governance; 5.3 Data security; 5.
3.1 Data confidentiality; 5.3.2 Data integrity; 5.3.3 Data availability; 5.4 Data privacy and identity; 5.5 Data ownership; 5.
6 Conclusion; Chapter 6: Artificial intelligence to automate the organisation; 6.1 The algorithmic organisation; 6.2 Conversational AI; 6.3 The dangers of AI; 6.3.1 Explainable AI; 6.3.2 Incorporating AI ethics; 6.
3.3 Control methods and the principal-agent problem; 6.4 Conclusion; Chapter 7: Turning your organisation into a data organisation; 7.1 Datafy; 7.2 Distribute; 7.3 Analyse; 7.4 Automate; 7.5 A note on privacy; 7.
6 Conclusion; Epilogue: Towards data-driven globalisation; Glossary of Terms; References; Indexm; 6.4 Conclusion; Chapter 7: Turning your organisation into a data organisation; 7.1 Datafy; 7.2 Distribute; 7.3 Analyse; 7.4 Automate; 7.5 A note on privacy; 7.6 Conclusion; Epilogue: Towards data-driven globalisation; Glossary of Terms; References; Index.