Engage students through real data UPDATED! Real data : Marty Triola is committed to integrating the most real data into his texts with more than 90% of all examples, exercises, and problems using real data. In the 6th Edition, the vast majority of these are new or updated (81% of exercises; 73% of examples; 93% of chapter problems), to make the course as current as possible so that it is easier for instructors to connect with students. EXPANDED! Data sets help students gain statistical literacy and teach them to apply the same methodology and thought processes used by professional statisticians. Larger data sets are integrated in the 6th Edition, giving students critical experience that aligns with what they are likely to do in their future careers--whatever they may be. These are in MyLab Statistics, in Appendix B of the text, and the student resource site (www.TriolaStats.com). An increased emphasis on interpreting results, rather than simply obtaining answers, helps students develop statistical literacy and, where appropriate, arrive at practical conclusions.
Worked examples in the text model this approach. Empower any student to apply and interpret Statistics procedures, getting to statistical understanding faster NEW! Your Turn feature in many examples directs students to a relevant exercise so that they can immediately apply what they just learned from the example. The flexible organization allows instructors to cover the basics of correlation and regression early in the course if they wish, and scale coverage of probability as needed to address their unique course needs. Flowcharts throughout the text simplify and clarify complex concepts and procedures. The Student Workbook is an optional print resource that offers additional examples, concept exercises, and vocabulary exercises for each chapter. Full solutions are available for instructors. Also available with MyLab Statistics MyLab(tm) Statistics is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student.
With MyLab Statistics and StatCrunch, an integrated web-based statistical software program, students learn the skills they need to interact with data in the real world. Learn more about MyLab Statistics. Empower any student to apply and interpret Statistics procedures, getting to statistical understanding faster EXPANDED! The extensive exercise sets in MyLab Statistics have been expanded and are now mapped more closely to student learning outcomes. This ensures exercise coverage where instructors need it and makes it easier to track students'' progress by objective. NEW! Technology-specific instructional videos mapped to specific examples and exercises provide students with just-in-time technology instruction to run key statistical procedures with TI-83/84, Excel, and StatDisk. UPDATED! Chapter Review Videos provide an updated review video to help students understand key chapter concepts and examples. Section Lecture Videos featuring author Marty Triola working through examples and elaborating on key objectives of the chapter. Engage students through real data and built-in statistical software UPDATED! Real-World Data Examples, extensively updated for the 6th Edition, help students understand how statistics applies to everyday life.
In MyLab Statistics, all data sets are available for easy download for any statistical software and, where appropriate, auto-graded exercises use similar data sets so that students get hands-on practice with the interpretation of real data. StatCrunch: MyLab Statistics integrates the web-based statistical software, StatCrunch®, within the online assessment platform so that students can easily analyze data sets from exercises and the text. In addition, MyLab Statistics includes access to www.StatCrunch.com, a vibrant online community where users can access tens of thousands of shared data sets, create and conduct online surveys, perform complex analyses using the powerful statistical software, and generate compelling reports. NEW! StatCrunch Question Library makes it easy to assign projects or exercises that enable students to use the statistical software to analyze robust and engaging data sets. Designed for maximum flexibility, instructors can assign a capstone project in MyLab Statistics by selecting multiple assignments related to a single data set; or they can assign exercises by topic across multiple data sets. By incorporating opportunities for in-depth data analysis into MyLab Statistics assignments, students see how they can explore a data set from many angles, to tell stories and make decisions.
Support students as they learn to use statistical software, to save valuable class time and prepare them for their future careers - whatever they may be NEW! Tech-Specific Video Tutorials are short, topical videos that address how to use varying technologies to complete exercises. When working any exercise that includes a data set , students can export that data easily in a single click, which minimizes their time doing data entry and keeps their focus on solving the problem. EXPANDED! Tech Assumed Questions in MyLab Statistics : Exercises marked with a "-T" assume the use of technology throughout the exercise and accompanying learning aids, and those marked with "-E" assume the use of Microsoft Excel.