Pang WeiQiang is a Dr. Professor and Visiting Scholar at the Politecnico di Milano; he has been responsible for several national projects in recent years. He has received honors, such as the third rank of the China North Industries Group Corporation, Xi'an Modern Chemistry Research Institute (2013); and the the first rank of China North Industries Group Corporation, Xi'an Modern Chemistry Research Institute (2012). For years his scientific activity has been devoted to the fundamental combustions of energetic materials from both theoretical and experimental viewpoints. Dr. Pang has given specific attention to the following research areas: high energetic materials and their application in composite and fuel-rich solid propellants; steady burning rates and temperature profiles; and ignition. Recently his focus has been on the combustion and application of innovative high-energy materials, nano-sized technology, performance of metallized and dual metal formulations, agglomerations and aggregations. He has published nearly 100 papers in international reviewed journals, more than 50 patents, and 5 books in recent years.
nd aggregations. He has published nearly 100 papers in international reviewed journals, more than 50 patents, and 5 books in recent years.