1. Damage Evaluation in Concrete Materials by AE 2. Acoustic Emission wireless monitoring of structures and infrastructures 3. Identification of the Fracture Process Zone in concrete materials by AE 4. Corrosion-induced cracks in concrete and the Hybrid-NDE method for evaluation of Rebar Corrosion 5. Seismology-based Acoustic Emission Techniques for Monitoring of Fracture Processes in Concrete Structures 6. Acoustic Emission Monitoring and Quantitative Evaluation of Damage in Concrete Beams under Creep 7. Laboratory Investigations on Concrete Fracture using Acoustic Emission Techniques 8.
Monitoring of Crack Propagation in Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Embedded Piezoelectric Transducers 9. Prediction Method of Rebar Corrosion Degree in Reinforced Concrete by Thermography 10. Estimation of Concrete Strength by the Contrast X-ray Method 11. Low-level AE in the Long-term Monitoring of Concrete 12. Artificial Neural Network Analysis of AE Data During Long time Corrosion Monitoring of a Post-tension Concrete Beam 13. Continuous Acoustic Monitoring for the evaluation of Concrete Structures 14. Multi-technique damage monitoring: Application to concrete beams.