List of Contributors xi Preface xiii Acknowledgments xv 1 Introduction 1 1.1 The Finite Element Method 2 1.2 Suitability of the Finite Element Method 9 1.3 Some Limitations of the FEM 11 1.4 The Idea of Enrichment 16 1.5 Conclusions 19 2 A Step-by-Step Introduction to Enrichment 23 2.1 History of Enrichment for Singularities and Localized Gradients 25 2.2 Weak Discontinuities for One-dimensional Problems 38 2.
3 Strong Discontinuities for One-dimensional Problem 58 2.4 Conclusions 61 3 Partition of Unity Revisited 67 3.1 Completeness, Consistency, and Reproducing Conditions 67 3.2 Partition of Unity 68 3.3 Enrichment 69 3.4 Numerical Examples 86 3.5 Conclusions 95 4 Advanced Topics 99 4.1 Size of the Enrichment Zone 99 4.
2 Numerical Integration 100 4.3 Blending Elements and Corrections 108 4.4 Preconditioning Techniques 116 5 Applications 125 5.1 Linear Elastic Fracture in Two Dimensions with XFEM 125 5.2 Numerical Enrichment for Anisotropic Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics 130 5.3 Creep and Crack Growth in Polycrystals 133 5.4 Fatigue Crack Growth Simulations 138 5.5 Rectangular Plate with an Inclined Crack Subjected to Thermo-Mechanical Loading 140 6 Recovery-Based Error Estimation and Bounding in XFEM 145 6.
1 Introduction 145 6.2 Error Estimation in the Energy Norm. The ZZ Error Estimator 147 6.3 Recovery-based Error Estimation in XFEM 151 6.4 Recovery Techniques in Error Bounding. Practical Error Bounds. 174 6.5 Error Estimation in Quantities of Interest 179 7 Φ-FEM: An Efficient Simulation Tool Using Simple Meshes for Problems in Structure Mechanics and Heat Transfer 191 7.
1 Introduction 191 7.2 Linear Elasticity 194 7.3 Linear Elasticity with Multiple Materials 204 7.4 Linear Elasticity with Cracks 208 7.5 Heat Equation 212 7.6 Conclusions and Perspectives 214 8 eXtended Boundary Element Method (XBEM) for Fracture Mechanics and Wave Problems 217 8.1 Introduction 217 8.2 Conventional BEM Formulation 218 8.
3 Shortcomings of the Conventional Formulations 226 8.4 Partition of Unity BEM Formulation 228 8.5 XBEM for Accurate Fracture Analysis 228 8.6 XBEM for ShortWave Simulation 235 8.7 Conditioning and its Control 243 8.8 Conclusions 245 9 Combined Extended Finite Element and Level Set Method (XFE-LSM) for Free Boundary Problems 249 9.1 Motivation 249 9.2 The Level Set Method 250 9.
3 Biofilm Evolution 256 9.4 Conclusion 269 10 XFEM for 3D Fracture Simulation 273 10.1 Introduction 273 10.2 Governing Equations 274 10.3 XFEM Enrichment Approximation 275 10.4 Vector Level Set 280 10.5 Computation of Stress Intensity Factor 282 10.6 Numerical Simulations 288 10.
7 Summary 300 11 XFEM Modeling of Cracked Elastic-Plastic Solids 303 11.1 Introduction 303 11.2 Conventional von Mises Plasticity 303 11.3 Strain Gradient Plasticity 312 11.4 Conclusions 323 12 An Introduction to Multiscale analysis with XFEM 329 12.1 Introduction 329 12.2 Molecular Statics 330 12.3 Hierarchical Multiscale Models of Elastic Behavior -- The Cauchy-Born Rule 336 12.
4 Current Multiscale Analysis -- The Bridging Domain Method 338 12.5 The eXtended Bridging Domain Method 340 References 344 Index 345.