Contents:Introduction to The Impact of COVID on Cities and Regions ixEd Blakely and Peter Karl KreslPART I IMPACT AND RESPONSE1 Post-COVID-19 Australian urban settlement: rebuild orreposition the nation? 2Ed Blakely2 Impact and response in cities and regions: Pennsylvaniaand New York 15Peter Karl Kresl3 Why we don't learn: COVID's impact on cities'architecture is not being considered in new building developments 32Mattia BertinPART II CITIES AND REGIONS4 Voices from the villages: non-urban territories facingpost-COVID recovery 46Daniele Ietri5 The reshaping of work and (post-COVID) urbancompetitiveness in mid-sized metropolises: the case of Porto 58Luís Carvalho and Sabrina Sgambati6 Socio-economic dimensions of inclusiveness of smartcities in India in a post-pandemic era 74Shaleen Singhal and Madhurima Waghmare7 Post-COVID cities: some reflections on planning inuncertain times 92Javier Ruiz Sánchez and Inés Aquilué JunyentPART III SPECIFIC ISSUES8 The impact of COVID in Québec: telework, coworkingand their effects on work and city environments 111Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay9 Consequences of COVID-19 on the Barcelona labour market 129Joan Trullén and Vittorio Galletto10 Changes in the labor market by type of city in Mexicoduring the COVID pandemic, 2020-2021 145Isela Orihuela11 Working in and for the city with smartness: first partialresults from the European project IrSmart 161Gianfranco Franz12 Spatial differences in morbidity and mortality fromCOVID-19 in Mexico: a regional and metropolitan analysis 179Jaime Sobrino13 Frugal innovation in the 1.5-metre society: analysis of thehospitality sector in the metropole region Rotterdam-The Hague 197Erwin van Tuijl, Leo van den Berg, Koen Dittrich andDaniele Rossi-DoriaIndex.
The Impact of COVID on Cities and Regions : Policy Responses of Local Leaders