Editor's foreword and opening address; Part I. Theme A: The Biology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae; Section 1. Field Observations: 1. The dispersal of the larvae of shoal-water benthic invertebrate species over long distances by ocean currents; 2. Transport of bivalve larvae in a tidal estuary; 3. Observations on the occurrence of planktonic larvae of several bivalves in the Northern Adriatic Sea; 4. Comparative investigations of the development of epibenthic communities from Gloucester, Massachusetts to St Thomas, Virgin Islands; 5. Settlement of mussel larvae, Mytilius edulis, on suspended collectors in Norwegian waters; Section 2.
Experiments on Behaviour and Distribution: 6. On the ecology of young Idotea in the Baltic; 7. Choice of algae by larvae of Spirobis, particularly of Spirorbis spirobis; 8. Settlement and orientated growth in epiphytic and epizoic byozoans; 9. Settlement and growth pattern of the parasitic barnacle Pyrgoma anglicum; 10. Electrophotetic examination of partially purified extracts of Balanus balanoides containing a settlement inducing factor; 11. The biology of larvae of Ophilitaspongia seriata from two North Wales populations; 11. Host selection and ecology of marine digenean larvae; Section 3.
Growth, Development and Fine Structure: 12. Effet de la température sur le développement endotrophe des plutéus; 13. La forme elliptique de la relation température-durée de développement embryonnaire chez les copépodes pelagiques et ses propiétés; 14. The effect of cyclic temperatures on larval development in the mud-crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii; 15. Les véligères planctoniques de Prosobranches de la région de Banyuls-sur-Mer (Méditerranée occidentale): phylogénie et métamorphose; 16. Concerning the fourth antennulzr segment of the cypris larva of Balanus balanoides; 17. The fine structure of the trochophore of Harmothoe imbricata; 18. Développement larvaire de Microspio mecznikowianus; 19.
Some morphological changes that occur at the metamorphosis of the arvae of Mytilius edulis; 20. The histology of the larva of Ostrea edulis during metamorphosis; 21. Transient larval glands in palaemonetes; 22. Spicule formation and corrosion in recently metamorphosed syon ciliatum (O. Fabricus); Part II. Theme B: Light in the Marine Environment; Section 1. Measurement of Illumination and its Influence in Submarine Environment: 1. The measurement of inshore submarine irradiation; 2.
Continuous recording of underwater light in relation to Laminaria distribution; 3. Seasonal growth of Laminaria hyperborea under recorded underwater light conditions near Helgøland; 4. The effect of light on the growth of algal spores; 5. Light quality and the photomorphogenesis of alge in marine environments; 6. Studies on the responses of marine phytoplankton to light fields of varying intensity; 7. Light and the distribution of organisms in a sea cave; 8. Light conditions and shade seeking populations among algal settlements; 9. Responses of the larvae of Diposoma listerianum to light and gravity; 10.
Food searching potential in marine fish larvae; 11. A new light trap for plankton; 12. Responses to light of Asterias rubens; 12. Diurnal rhythms in snails and starfish; 13. Orientation to light and the shading response in barnacles; 14. The light sensitivity and light environment of Corophium volutator (abstract only); 15. La lumière et le déclenchement de la ponte chez Ciona intestinalis; 16. Light controlled swarming in the polychaete Autolytus (abstract only); 17.
Light and gonad development in Pontoporeia affinis; Index.