Section I. General Principles Underlying Behavioural Studies in Vertebrates.- Chapter 1. Animal behaviour and Humans: Conflict, Coexistence and Conservation.- Chapter 2. Is Photography Only Advantageous for Research and Ecotourism? A Reassessment to Increase its Value in Conservation Efforts.- Chapter 3. Danio rerio: A Promising tool for Neurodegenerative Dysfunctions.
- Chapter 4. Chronobiology - Circadian Rhythm and Cancer.- Chapter 5. Statistical Methods for Animal Behaviour Inference.- Section II. Exploring Behaviour in Vertebrates.- Chapter 6. Personality is the Key to Success: An Amphibian Perspective.
- Chapter 7. A Global Synthesis of the Impacts of Urbanisation on Amphibians.- Chapter 8. Behavioral responses of Olive Ridley Sea Turtles, Lepidochelys olivaceace to beach Cleaning and Conservation measures off the West Coast of India.- Chapter 9. Reptile Love: Are We Treating them Humanely?.- Chapter 10. Population Studies on Pit Vipers (Reptilia: Serpentes) South Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Chapter 11. Chemical Signalling while Mating in Tropical Bats.- Chapter 12. Olfactory Learning in Greater Short-Nosed Fruit Bat Cynopterus sphinx.- Chapter 13. Roosting Behaviour of Indian Flying Fox (Pteropus medius) Temminck.- Chapter 14. Synurbization in a Songbird the Red-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer) in India.
- Chapter 15. Foraging Ecology of Wintering Anatids: A Review.- Chapter 16. Migration in Tropical Birds.- Chapter 17. Urban Birds and Adaptive Behaviours.- Chapter 18. Behavioural Ecology of Larger Bandicoot Rat, Bandicota indica (Bechstein), Burrow Ecology, Social and Feeding Behaviour.
- Chapter 19. Seasonal Reproductive Strategies of Indian Palm Squirrel, Funambulus pennanti: Modulation by Climate, Pineal Gland and Melatonin.- Chapter 20. Behavior and Ecology of Swamp deer (Rucervus duvaucelii duvaucelii) in Captivity in India.- Chapter 21. Behavioural Activity Patterns of Indian Spotted Chevrotain Moschiola indica (Mammalia: Tragulidae) in Captivity.- Chapter 22. Behaviour and Breeding of Himalayan Goral (Naemorhaedus goral) in Captivity.
- Chapter 23. Wintering Diet Selectivity of Sloth Bear, Melursus ursinus Shaw, 1791 in dry deciduous eco-system of Gujarat, India.- Chapter 24. Social Organisation of Asian Elephants: Findings from the Kabini Elephant Population, South India.- Chapter 25. Patterns of Crop Foraging by Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus) in Central Kerala, India.- Chapter 26. Asiatic Lions : Behavior in the Wild and Captivity.