Prof. Geng has a BSc degree in satellite geodesy and obtained a PhD from the University of Nottingham in GNSS geodesy in 2011. From2012 until 2015, he worked as a postdoc on earthquake/tsunami early warning (EEW/TEW) at Scripps Institution of Oceanography in University of California San Diego. He has many experiences in high-precision GNSS and developed independently a software package for high-rate GNSS data processing aiming at providing centimetre-level displacements for EEW/TEW along the western US coast. At Scripps, he proposed a new strategy of integrating high-rate GNSS with accelerometers on the observation domain (aka. seismogeodesy). Prof. Geng published about 30 peer reviewed journal papers on high-precision GNSS and its application in seismology and relevant crustal motion studies.
Prof. Geng is one of the first few people in the GNSS/Seismology community working on the integration of GNSS and seismic sensors. Nowadays this is one of the hot topics relating to EEW/TEW and moreover subdaily crustal motion monitoring.