Dedication. Foreword. Preface. Acknowledgements. Introduction: The Increasing Relevance of Assessing Institutional Diversity in Sustainable Environmental Management. Path-Dependent Pathways of Inter-Institutional Gaps in Natural Resource Management. The Philippines' Neoliberal Extractive Industry: Mining for Development, State Violence, and Inter-Institutional Gaps in Resource Governance. Tiger Conservation Governance in the Bangladesh Sundarbans: Identifying Inter-Institutional Gaps.
Applying an Access Lens to Understand Equity in a Polycentric Governance Regime: Why Rights Alone May be Insufficient to Advance Indigenous Fishery Development. Institutional Change Between the RastafarI Movement and the Formal State in Jamaica: A Historical Perspective. Diversity in Institutional Strategies for Distributed Renewable Energy Generation: How American States are Designing Net Metering Policy. Necessary but Not Sufficient: An Examination of Two Areas of Multilateral Environmental Institutions. Enabling and Bridging Institutional Diversity Through Polycentric Governance Structures to Advance Sustainable Development: The Case Study of the Arctic Council. Concluding Remarks: Characterizing Institutional Diversity for Improved Sustainable Environmental Management. Index.