Vito Pascazio graduated (cum laude) in 1986 at the University of Bari, Italy, in Electronic Engineering, and received in 1990 Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science from the Department of Electronic Engineering of the University of Napoli "Federico II", Italy. In 1990, he was first at the Research Institute on Electromagnetics and Electronic Devices (IRECE) of the Italian National Council of Research (CNR), Napoli, Italy, and then he joined the Università di Napoli "Parthenope", Italy, where he is presently Full Professor. Vito Pascazio was also the Chair of the Department of Engineering at the Università di Napoli Parthenope and Director of the National Laboratory of Multimedia Communication of National Consortium Inter-Universitary of Telecommunication (CNIT). His main research interests are in the field of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Image Processing, including SAR Interferometry, SAR Tomography, SAR Along-Track Interferometry, and Ground Based SAR; Microwave Tomographic Image Reconstruction, including Ground Penetrating Radars, Through the Wall Imaging, and De-mining radars, Body Scanning, and Microwave Biomedical Imaging; Biomedical Image processing, including Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Image Processing, including Image Compression, Speckle Filtering, Classification, Segmentation, Wavelets-based Image Processing, and Compressive Sensing; Linear and Nonlinear Statistical Signal Processing, including Markov Random Field Bayesian Image Processing. He served as a member in the Technical Committees of several international conferences. He was Co-Chair General of the IGARSS 2015 conference in Milan and holds the same role in the next IGARSS 2024 in Athens.
Vito Pascazio published about 250 technical papers, and he is Senior Member of IEEE.