Table of Contents; Preface by Klaas Landsman; Chapter 1. Nils Hansson, Ad Maas - Introducing Prize Studies: Perspectives on Reward Mechanisms in Science; Chapter 2. Gustav Källstrand - Everybody's Searching for a Hero: Controversial Nobel Laureates and the Status of the Nobel Prize; Chapter 3. Ad Maas, Louise Lagarde - Nobel Artefacts: Material Heritage of Nobel Prize Laureates in the Netherlands; Chapter 4. Daniela Link - What Heroes does Literature Need? Insight into the Nobel Prize as a Literary Motif; Chapter 5. Annelie Drakman - The Post-Heroic Nobel Laureate having Fun: a New Scientific Ideal in Post-War America; Chapter 6. Jelmer Heeren - Demythologizing Science: Reijer Hooykaas on Hero Worship as "Undesirable" and "Disdaining"; Chapter 7. Christian Engberts - Honors Without Impact: Emil von Behring's Inconsequential Nobel Prize; Chapter 8.
Rob van den Berg - A Hotly Contested Nobel: Christiaan Eijkman, Gerrit Grijns and the Discovery of Vitamin B1; Chapter 9. Daniela Angetter-Pfeiffer - Konrad Lorenz, Nicolaas Tinbergen, and Karl von Frisch - the Scientific Network and the Controversy over the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1973; Chapter 10. Nils Hansson, Giacomo Padrini, Andreas Winkelmann, Mathias Schütz - What does it take for an Anatomist to get a Nobel Prize? An Analysis of the Nobel Prize Nominations for Wolfgang Bargmann, Albert von Kölliker and Hans Spemann; Chapter 11. Leander Scheel, Nils Hansson - Physicians as Candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize; Index.