Henry Valberg is a professor in the Department of Engineering Science and Materials at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). He began his professional career as a metallurgist at LFK, the Royal Norwegian Airforce, and then at A/S Norsk Jernverk, Mo i Rana, and finally as a Research Scientist at SINTEF, Division of Materials and Processes, before joining the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH) as a senior lecturer in 1984 and full professor in 1994. He was a visiting professor at Denmark's Technical University in 1997–98. Professor Valberg's main fields of research are materials, metal forming, experimental deformation analysis, and FE analysis. His work covers all main metal forming processes, including forging, rolling, extrusion, drawing, and sheet-metal forming. He is the author of more than 60 refereed journal articles and has supervised numerous graduate students. Valberg is currently a research manager for a forging project run by three Norwegian forging companies.
Applied Metal Forming : Including FEM Analysis