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Diseases of Swine
Diseases of Swine
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ISBN No.: 9781119350927
Pages: 1,136
Year: 201903
Format: E-Book
Price: $ 434.15
Status: Out Of Print

Contributors xi Editors'' Note xxi Acknowledgments xxii Section I Veterinary Practice 1 1 Herd Evaluation 3 Records, benchmarks, four circles approach, diagnostic approaches, prioritizing interventions, reporting, blood sample collection, oral fluid collection. 2 Behavior and Welfare 17 Definitions of welfare, normal vs. abnormal behaviors, maternal behaviors, minimizing welfare impact of invasiveprocedures, feeding and drinking behaviors, human interactions, behavior responses due to disease, recognizing pain, vices, objective measures of pain. 3 Genetics and Health 42 Genetic influences on mortality, disease resistance, immune response and sow productive lifetime, with a summary of recent genetic advances. 4 Effect of Environment on Health 50 Evaluation of the environment, recommended air temperatures, minimum ventilation rates, space recommendations, water requirements, feeder space recommendations. Investigation of death due to ventilation failure.Impact of noise levels and stray voltage. 5 Differential Diagnosis of Diseases 59 Diarrhea, vomiting, rectal prolapses, respiratory distress, anemia, sneezing, skin, neurologic, lameness, reproductive, congenital, zoonotic, vesicular lesions, urinary tract.

6 Diagnostic Tests, Test Performance, and Considerations for Interpretation 75 How diagnostic tests are performed, advantages, and disadvantages. PCR testing considerations including quantitative interpretation. Appropriate uses of genetic sequencing. Descriptions of metagenomics technology. 7 Optimizing Sample Selection, Collection, and Submission to Optimize Diagnostic Value 98 Developing the diagnostic plan, diagnostic sample selection, pig necropsy, necropsy safety, knife sharpening. 8 Collecting Evidence and Establishing Causality 112 Sources of variation in test results, sensitivity and specificity, testing in series or parallel, selecting test cutoff values, selecting appropriate sample size, screening and confirmatory tests. Evidence-based medicine, establishing baselines, evaluating interventions. 9 Disease Control, Prevention, and Elimination 123 Routes of transmission, ecology of disease, pathogen cycles, biological risk management, principles of biosecurity, biocontainment, bioexclusion.

10 Drug Pharmacology, Therapy, and Prophylaxis 158 Antimicrobial drug classes, considerations for treatment, residue avoidance, establishing treatment regimens, limiting the development of resistance, parasiticides, impact of drug treatment on immunity, bacteriophages, probiotics, hormones, anti-inflammatory drugs. 11 Anesthesia and Surgical Procedures in Swine 171 Injectable anesthetic agents, sedation, catheterization techniques, epidural injection, anesthetic drug combinations, reversal agents and pain management. Surgical procedures including castration, correction of prolapses, cystostomy procedures, cesarean section, fracture repair, tusk removal, abdominal and musculoskeletal procedures. 12 Preharvest Food Safety, Zoonotic Diseases, and the Human Health Interface 197 Physical, chemical, and biologic hazards, drug residues, MRSA, feed safety, certification programs. 13 Special Considerations for Show and Pet Pigs 211 Dynamics of the show pig industry, biosecurity, zoonotic implications, vaccination protocols, behavior and training, ethics, teeth trimming, hoof trimming, obesity, and parasites. Section II Body Systems 221 14 Cardiovascular and Hematopoietic Systems 223 Anatomy, pathophysiology, mulberry heart disease, anemia, shock, clinical pathology. 15 Digestive System 234 Interactions of flora, nutrition, immune system, anatomy, pathophysiology, gastric ulcers, hemorrhagic bowel syndrome, prolapses, hernias. 16 Immune System 264 Innate and adaptive immunity.

Cellular, humoral, mucosal and passive immune mechanisms. Stress, nutrition, immunosuppression, vaccination. Lactogenic immunity. 17 Integumentary System: Skin, Hoof, and Claw 292 Pathophysiology of skin, infectious conditions, vesicles, ear necrosis, porcine dermatopathy and nephropathy syndrome. Pathophysiology of coronary band, foot and claw. Traumatic and nutritional contributors to foot and claw lesions. 18 Mammary System 313 Structure and development, physiology of lactation, physiology of maternal immunity, pathophysiology of lactation dysfunction, mastitis, dysgalactia, risk factors. 19 Nervous and Locomotor System 339 Pathophysiology of nervous system, muscle, bone, joint, and eye.

Congenital abnormalities, splayleg, congenital tremor, myopathy, porcine stress syndrome, arthritis, metabolic bone disease, rickets, osteochondrosis. 20 Diseases of the Reproductive System 373 Control of estrus, pregnancy, and parturition. Pregnancy diagnosis, dystocia, prolapse, discharge, malereproductive function, semen quality. Laboratory investigation of abortion and reproductive failure. 21 Respiratory System 393 Anatomy, structure, function, pathophysiology. 22 Urinary System 408 Anatomy, structure, function, pathophysiology. Section III Viral Diseases 425 23 Overview of Viruses 427 General characteristics of viruses, virus taxonomy, detection, characterization of viruses. 24 Adenoviruses 438 25 African Swine Fever Virus 443 26 Anelloviruses 453 Torque teno sus viruses.

27 Astroviruses 457 28 Bunyaviruses 461 Akabane virus, Lumbo virus, Oya virus, Tahyna virus. 29 Caliciviruses 464 Porcine noroviruses, porcine sapoviruses, St-Valérien virus, vesicular exanthema of swine virus. 30 Circoviruses 473 31 Coronaviruses 488 Hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus, porcine deltacoronavirus, porcine epidemic diarrhea virus, porcine respiratory coronavirus, porcine torovirus, transmissible gastroenteritis virus. 32 Filoviruses 524 Reston ebolavirus, Zaire ebolavirus. 33 Flaviviruses 530 Japanese encephalitis virus, Murray Valley encephalitis virus, West Nile virus, other flaviviruses. 34 Hepatitis E Virus 544 35 Herpesviruses 548 Malignant catarrhal fever (ovine herpesvirus 2), porcine cytomegalovirus, porcine lymphotropic herpesviruses, pseudorabies (Aujeszky''s disease) virus. 36 Influenza Viruses 576 37 Paramyxoviruses 594 Menangle virus, Nipah virus, porcine parainfluenza virus 1, porcine rubulavirus (blue eye paramyxovirus). 38 Parvoviruses 611 39 Pestiviruses 622 Atypical porcine pestivirus, border disease virus, bovine viral diarrhea virus, Bungowannah virus, classical swine fever virus.

40 Picornaviruses 641 Encephalomyocarditis virus, foot-and-mouth disease virus, porcine enteroviruses, porcine kobuvirus, porcine picornavirus Japan, porcine sapelovirus, porcine teschovirus, Seneca Valley virus, swine pasivirus, swine vesicular disease virus. 41 Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Viruses (Porcine Arteriviruses) 685 42 Swinepox Virus 709 43 Reoviruses (Rotaviruses and Reoviruses) 715 44 Retroviruses 728 45 Rhabdoviruses 733 Rabies virus, vesicular stomatitis viruses. 46 Togaviruses 740 Eastern equine encephalitis virus, Getah virus, Sagiyama virus, Ross River virus. Section IV Bacterial Diseases 743 47 Overview of Bacteria 745 Characteristics of genera, disease mechanisms, table of bacterial diseases. Issues in the development of bacterial disease (normal flora, biofilms, dysbacteriosis). 48 Actinobacillosis 749 Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae - pleuropneumonia; Actinobacillus suis - septicemia, pleuropneumonia; Actinobacillus equuli - septicemia. 49 Bordetellosis 767 Bordetella bronchiseptica - nonprogressive atrophic rhinitis, bronchopneumonia. 50 Brucellosis 778 Brucella suis - infertility, abortion, perinatal mortality.

51 Clostridial Diseases 792 Clostridium perfringens type C - necrohemorrhagic enteritis; Clostridium perfringens type A - enteritis; Clostridium difficile - necrotizing colitis; Clostridium septicum, perfringens type A, novyi, chauvoei - cellulitis and gas gangrene; Clostridium tetani - tetanus; Clostridium botulinum - botulism. 52 Colibacillosis 807 Neonatal E. coli diarrhea, post weaning E. coli diarrhea and edema disease, E. coli causing fatal shock, systemic E. coli infections, coliform mastitis, nonspecific urinary tract infection. 53 Erysipelas 835 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae - septicemia, arthritis , endocarditis; Erysipelothrix tonsillarum - arthritis, endocarditis. 54 Glässer''s Disease 844 Haemophilus parasuis - fibrinous polyserositis and arthritis.

55 Leptospirosis 854 Leptospira spp. - abortion and stillbirths. 56 Mycoplasmosis 863 Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae - enzootic pneumonia; Mycoplasma hyorhinis - polyserositis, arthritis; Mycoplasma hyosynoviae - arthritis; Mycoplasma suis (Eperythrozoon suis) - anemia. 57 Pasteurellosis 884 Pasteurella multocida - progressive atrophic rhinitis, pneumonia, septicemia. 58 Proliferative Enteropathy 898 Lawsonia intracellularis - acute proliferative hemorrhagic enteropathy (PHE), chronic porcine proliferative enteropathy (PPE). 59 Salmonellosis 912 Salmonella typhimurium , typhimurium I 1,4,[5],12:i:-variant, heidelberg, typhisuis - enterocolitis; Salmonella choleraesuis var. kunzendorf -.

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