Foreword for the Textbook of Applied Medical Psychology:A Multi-Disciplinary Approach: 7By William R. MillerPreface: 9By Susanne S. Pedersen, Kirsten K. Roessler,Tonny Elmose Andersen, Anna Thit Johnsen and Frans Pouwer1. The Rise of a New Specialisation: Medical Psychology.A Historical Overview: 11By Kirsten K. Roessler, Rachel E. Kooy and Frans Pouwer2.
Stress and Biological Pathways of Health and Disease: 35By Paula M. C. Mommersteeg, Anna C. Whittaker and Nicolas Rohleder3. Cardiovascular Disease: 61By Phillip J. Tully, Jens Cosedis Nielsen,Jens Cosedis Nielsen, Matthew M. Burg and Susanne S. Pedersen4.
Diabetes Mellitus: 109By Frans Pouwer and Melanie Broadley5. Cancer: 137By Pernille Envold Bidstrup, Anna Thit Johnsen and Lone Ross6. Chronic Pain - Theory, Prevention and Management: 181By Tonny Elmose Andersen, Henrik Bjarke Vægter,Steven J. Linton, Oliver Hendricks and Kirsten K. Roessler7. Psychological Factors in People with End-Stage Renal Disease: 233By Joanna Hudson, Ken Farrington and Emma Coyne8. Visual Impairment: 287By Hilde van der Aa, Ruth van Nispen and Ger van Rens9. Hearing Disorders and Dizziness: 321By Gerhard Andersson10.
Bodily Distress Syndromes and Health Anxiety: 349By Lisbeth Frostholm, Per Fink and Alexandra Martin11. Substance Use Disorder: 371By Anette Søgaard Nielsen, Morten Hesse, Kjeld Andersenand Gerard Schippers12. Optimising Lifestyle and Self-Care in Patients with Somatic Disease: 403By Ciska Hoving, Eline Smit, Eline Meijer and Niels Chavannes13. Physical Activity and Exercise as Treatment for Somatic andMental Disease: 459By Kirsten K. Roessler, Bente Klarlund Pedersen,Trish Gorely and Egil W. Martinsen14. Psychology in Palliative Care: 487By Anna Thit Johnsen, Carl Johan Fürst and Mai-Britt Guldin15. Informal Caregiving in Life-Threatening or Chronic Illness: 517By Nina Rottmann, Anne Norup and Karin B.
Dieperink16. Social Inequalities in Health with a Focus on within-country Differences in the Richer Part of the World: 567By Anna Thit Johnsen and Morten Grønbæk17. Optimising Communication in Medical Settings: 597By Christina Maar Andersen, Kirsten Greineder Engel and Christel Hendrieckx.