Professor Marieta Dumitrache, MD, PhD,is an accomplished academic ophthalmologist. Her academic career spans 50 years, during which she has authored more than 40 book chapters and over 60 scientific papers published or presented at national meetings. Dr Dumitrache has edited, single handedly the only Ophtalmology Comprehensive Textbook in Romania; the material has underwent many editions in the last 30 years; many generations of Romanian ophtalmologists use this source for Ophtalmology boards or in regular clinical practice. Additionally, she has edited more than 25 volumes on clinical ophthalmology, including the essential ophthalmology textbook currently used by trainees to pass their specialty boards. Professor Dumitrache work include contributing books as author/editor at times focusing on topics covered less in the literature and by the publishing houses; some of those include topics such as pediatric ophthalmology and neuro-ophtalmology. Two of those unique works received highest academic recognition in Romania, Academy of Science Book Award (2011 for the work on Ocular Emergencies) and The Romanian Academy Award (2016 for the book on Ocular Emergencies). Her scholarly activity also include published papers in high impact journals in USA, UK, India. Her research activity includes many collaborations with academic ophtalmologists within Romania and abroad; she has been directing research of more than 20 PhD doctoral students, each completing their research thesis successfully with publishing manuscripts or implementing the research in clinical practice.
Dr Dumitrache served as the Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology from 1986 to 2011; she made significant contributions to its growth by adding new faculty and clinical services. She had dedicated her clinical mission to improving patient outcomes by ensuring all patients have access to excellent and high standard clinical care. She is a talented surgeon with tens of thousands surgeries performed during her many years of activity; she has been a mentor to many generations of trainees now highly accomplished ophtalmologists. During her career as an academic ophthalmologist, Dr Dumitrache essentially contributed to the advancement of the Ophtalmology Specialty in Romania and abroad, in a concerted tripartite mission that spans more than 50 years; she focused on clinical excellence to improve patients' outcomes, conducted state of the art scholarly activity and research, and mentored and educated many generations of ophtalmologists. From June 2024professor Marieta Dumitrache has been elected as Honorary member of the Academy of Medical Sciences from Romania as a recognition of her excellent scientific and professional carrier.