Dedication vContents viiAcknowledgments xiIntroduction xiiiWhat This Book Is and Is Not xivPart I: Ethical Considerations 1Chapter 1Inside the Bank Foreclosure Defense Industry 3Chapter 2Advertising 7Chapter 3Conduct Toward Opposing Counsel and Parties 9Part II: Litigation Basics 15Chapter 4Written Arguments 17Chapter 5Preparing for Hearings 23What Are Your Client's Goals? 27Chapter 6The Initial Client Interview 27Have Your Clients Been Defrauded by "Foreclosure Consultants"? 31Do Your Clients Have Any Assets to Support an Offer? 39Military Status 41Chapter 7Special Circumstances 41Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act of 2009 44Reverse Mortgages 45Chapter 8Inside Your Client's Loan 49Find Out Who Owns Your Loan 49Loan Modifications 52The Power of the Media 59Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) 63Waiver of Deficiency Judgments 67Chapter 9Loss Mitigation 67Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure 68Short Sale 68Conciliation Conference 70Mediation 72The Mediation Bank Representative 74Preparing for the Mediation 75Mediating in Good Faith 79Court Enforcement of Mediation Requirements 81Cash for Keys 84Court-Ordered Modifications 85Chapter 10Motion for Sanctions 89Shotgun Foreclosures 93Due Process 95Chapter 11The Demand Letter 99Chapter 12Fair Debt Collection Practices Act 105Disputing the Alleged Foreclosure Debt 108Chapter 13Notice of Appearance 111Chapter 14Vacating a Default Judgment 113Chapter 15Requirements for Service of Foreclosure Complaints 117Chapter 16Motion to Dismiss 123Dissecting a Foreclosure Complaint 124Is the Complaint Required to Be Verified? 131Lack of Standing/Improper Plaintiff 134If a Plaintiff Cannot Prove Ownership or Enforcement Rights at the Time It Files Foreclosure, It Has NoStanding 137The Plaintiff May Have No Relationship to the Loanat All 143The Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems 146Chapter 17Foreclosures Against Parties with No Interestin the Property 149Chapter 18Super-Priority Liens 155Chapter 19Affirmative Defenses 159Plaintiff 's Motion to Strike Affirmative Defenses 163Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices and SubprimeLoans 167The Truth In Lending Act 172Home Owner's Equity Protection Act 177Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act 178Qualified Written Requests 181Fraud 185Failure to Comply with Conditions Precedent 188Other Conditions Precedent Which May Be Containedin the Mortgage 201Payment 204Counterclaims 205Class-Action Complaint 211Other Affirmative Defenses 215Chapter 20Discovery 229Interrogatories 234Requests for Production 238Request for Admissions 240Depositions 241Motions to Compel 246Part III: Summary Judgment and Beyond 249Chapter 21Summary Judgment 251Affirmative Defenses May Raise a Genuine Issueof Material Fact 256Chapter 22Trial Orders 265Appeal 268Sale 270Chapter 23Bankruptcy 273Chapter 24The Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America 279Conclusion 281Index 283About the Author 297.
Foreclosure Defense : A Practical Litigation Guide, Second Edition