Contents:Foreword xxxv1 Introduction (Rule 1) 1Fernando Gascón Inchausti, Vincent Smith and Astrid StadlerPART I GENERAL PROVISIONS - ERCP PART I2 General Principles: Co-operation and proportionality (Rules 2-8) 11Loïc Cadiet and Soraya Amrani-Mekki3 General Principles: Party disposition and principle of party presentation (Rules 21-28) 35Loïc Cadiet and Soraya Amrani-Mekki4 General Principles: Rights of parties (Rules 11-18) 60Alexander Bruns5 General Principles: Languages, interpretation and translation (Rules 19-20, 82, 113, 116) 78Matthias Weller6 Facilitating ADR and settlements: an extension of the co-operation principle (Rules 9-10, 141) 93Laura ErvoPART II PARTIES TO THE PROCEEDINGS - ERCP PART II7 Parties to the proceedings (Rules 29-46) 108Christoph AlthammerPART III CASE MANAGEMENT - ERCP PART III8 Case management (Rules 47-50) 154Stefan HuberPART IV COMMENCEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS - ERCP PART IV9 Procedural steps and contents of initial documents (Rules 51-60) 178Elena D'Alessandro10 Effects of proceedings once commenced - lis pendens (Rules 142-146) 197Eva LeinPART V SERVICE AND NOTICE OF PROCEEDINGS - ERCP PART VI11 Service and notice of proceedings (Rules 68-86, 134) 215Dimitrios Tsikrikas and Wendy KennettPART VI ACCESS TO INFORMATION AND EVIDENCE - ERCP PART VII12 General and procedural issues (Rules 87-110, 128-129) 248Magne Strandberg and Astrid Stadler13 Types of evidence (Rules 111-124, 126-127) 302Michael SturnerPART VII PROCEEDINGS BEFORE A FINAL HEARING AND FINALHEARING - ERCP PART V14 Proceedings before a final hearing and final hearing (Rules 61-67) 332Enrique Vallines GarcíaPART VIII JUDGMENTS - ERCP PART VIII15 General rules on judgments (Rules 130-133, 135-140) 374Christoph Kern16 Effect of judgments - res judicata (Rules 147-152) 413Alexander BrunsPART IX MEANS OF REVIEW AND APPEAL - ERCP PART IX17 Means of review and appeal (Rules 153-183) 427John SorabjiPART X PROVISIONAL AND PROTECTIVE MEASURES - ERCP PART X18 Provisional and protective measures (Rules 184-203) 485Torbjörn AnderssonPART XI COLLECTIVE REDRESS - ERCP PART XI19 Collective proceedings (Rules 204-220, 227-228, 233-236) 537Jorg Sladic20 Collective settlements (Rules 221-226, 229-232) 595Fernando Gascón InchaustiPART XII COSTS AND FUNDING - ERCP PART XII21 Costs and funding (Rules 237-245, 125) 623Vincent SmithIndex.
European Rules of Civil Procedure : A Commentary on the ELI-UNIDROIT Model Rules