Foreword: The Law as a Fundamental Determinant of Global Health by Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Preface: A Field Born of Trying Times List of Contributors Introduction: Foundations of Global Health Law & Policy by Lawrence O. Gostin and Benjamin Mason Meier I. FRAMEWORKS & INSTITUTIONS OF GLOBAL HEALTH: SHIFTING ACTORS & NORMS IN A GLOBALIZING WORLD 1. Global Health: Global Determinants, Global Governance, and Global Law by Lawrence O. Gostin and Alexandra Finch 2. Global Health Law: Legal Frameworks to Advance Global Health by Sharifah Sekalala and Roojin Habibi 3. Global Health Landscape: The Proliferating Actors Influencing Global Health Governance by Benjamin Mason Meier and Matiangai Sirleaf 4.
Global Health Norms: Human Rights, Equity, and Social Justice in Global Health by Judith Bueno de Mesquita and Lisa Forman 5. Global Health Diplomacy: The Process of Developing Global Health Law and Policy by Gian Luca Burci and Bj"orn K"ummel II. GLOBAL HEALTH GOVERNANCE FOR DISEASE PREVENTION & HEALTH PROMOTION 6. Infectious Disease: Preventing, Detecting, and Responding to Pandemic Threats under International Law by Pedro A. Villarreal and Lauren Tonti 7. Non- Communicable Disease: Regulating Commercial Determinants Underlying Health by Roger Magnusson and Lawrence O. Gostin 8. Mental Health: From Institutions to Community Inclusion by Priscila Rodr'iguez and Eric Rosenthal 9.
Environmental Health: Regulating Clean Air and Water as Underlying Determinants of Health by Marlies Hesselman and Benjamin Mason Meier III. ECONOMIC INSTITUTIONS, CORPORATE REGULATION, & GLOBAL HEALTH FUNDING 10. Sustainable Development: The 2030 Agenda and Its Implications for Global Health Law by St'ephanie Dagron and Jennifer Hasselg@ard- Rowe 11. Economic Development Policy: Poverty Alleviation for Public Health Advancement by Diane A. Desierto and Erica Patterson 12. International Trade Governance: Free Trade and Intellectual Property Threaten Public Health by Lisa Forman, Katrina Perehudoff, and Chuan- Feng Wu 13. Commercial Determinants of Health: Corporate Social Responsibility as Smokescreen or Global Health Policy? by Roojin Habibi and Thana C. de Campos- Rudinsky 14.
Global Health Funding Agencies: Developing New Institutions to Finance Health Needs by Sam Halabi and Lawrence O. Gostin IV. INTERNATIONAL LEGAL EFFORTS TO ADDRESS RISING HEALTH THREATS 15. Antimicrobial Resistance: Collective Action to Support Shared Global Resources by Isaac Weldon and Steven J. Hoffman 16. Pathogen Sharing: Balancing Access to Pathogen Samples with Equitable Access to Medicines by Mark Eccleston- Turner and Michelle Rourke 17. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Advancing Human Rights to Protect Bodily Autonomy and Sexuality by Aziza Ahmed and Terry McGovern 18. Health in Conflict: International Humanitarian Law as Global Health Policy by Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum and Benjamin Mason Meier 19.
Climate Change: A Cataclysmic Health Threat Requiring Global Action by Alexandra Phelan and Kim van Daalen 20. Universal Health Coverage: Whole of Government Approaches to Determinants of Health by Lawrence O. Gostin and Benjamin Mason Meier Afterword: Foundational Information for a New Generation by Steven Solomon Index.