Publications written by: Clegg, Brian
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Interstellar Tours : A Guide to the Universe from Your Starship Window
Interstellar Tours : A Guide to the Universe from Your Starship Window
Published: 2023
$ 37.19  
Biomimetics : How Lessons from Nature Can Transform Technology
Biomimetics : How Lessons from Nature Can Transform Technology
Published: 2023
$ 19.31  
A Brief History of Infinity : The Quest to Think the Unthinkable
A Brief History of Infinity : The Quest to Think the Unthinkable
Published: 2022
$ 24.83  
Game Theory : Understanding the Mathematics of Life
Game Theory : Understanding the Mathematics of Life
Published: 2022
$ 17.55  
Ten Days in Physics That Shook the World : How Physicists Transformed Everyday Life
Ten Days in Physics That Shook the World : How Physicists Transformed Everyday Life
Published: 2022
$ 19.31  
Lightning Often Strikes Twice : The 50 Biggest Misconceptions in Science
Lightning Often Strikes Twice : The 50 Biggest Misconceptions in Science
Published: 2022
$ 23.16  
10 Short Lessons in Time Travel
10 Short Lessons in Time Travel
Published: 2021
$ 17.81  
Quantum Computing : The Transformative Technology of the Qubit Revolution
Quantum Computing : The Transformative Technology of the Qubit Revolution
Published: 2021
$ 22.01  
What Do You Think You Are? : The Science of What Makes You You
What Do You Think You Are? : The Science of What Makes You You
Published: 2021
$ 17.55  
Ten Days in Physics That Shook the World : How Physicists Changed Everyday Life
Ten Days in Physics That Shook the World : How Physicists Changed Everyday Life
Published: 2021
$ 31.67  
Ten Patterns That Explain the Universe
Ten Patterns That Explain the Universe
Published: 2021
$ 41.33  
Time Travel : Ten Short Lessons
Time Travel : Ten Short Lessons
Published: 2021
$ 20.63  
How It All Works : All Scientific Laws and Phenomena Illustrated and Demonstrated
How It All Works : All Scientific Laws and Phenomena Illustrated and Demonstrated
Published: 2021
$ 35.64  
Essential Science : The Only Science Book You Will Ever Need
Essential Science : The Only Science Book You Will Ever Need
Published: 2020
$ 41.33  
Professor Maxwell's Duplicitous Demon : The Life and Science of James Clerk Maxwell
Professor Maxwell's Duplicitous Demon : The Life and Science of James Clerk Maxwell
Published: 2020
$ 24.77  
What Do You Think You Are? : The Science of What Makes You You
What Do You Think You Are? : The Science of What Makes You You
Published: 2020
$ 31.67  
Everyday Chaos : The Mathematics of Unpredictability, from the Weather to the Stock Market
Everyday Chaos : The Mathematics of Unpredictability, from the Weather to the Stock Market
Published: 2020
$ 41.33  
Dark Matter and Dark Energy : The Hidden 95% of the Universe
Dark Matter and Dark Energy : The Hidden 95% of the Universe
Published: 2019
$ 23.39  
Biographic: Einstein
Biographic: Einstein
Published: 2019
$ 20.63  
Biographic: Tesla
Biographic: Tesla
Published: 2019
$ 20.63