Introduction Marketing Your Way to e-Riches This book is about attracting more customers online so that you can make more money. It covers what you can do, how to do it, and, more importantly, what you should be doing to find your own e-riches. Whether your business is Web-based or brick-and-mortar, and whether you''re a solo entrepreneur, a partner in a small company, or working in marketing for a multinational corporation, there are new tools online that can help you do your job better, sell more product, and make more money. If you read my first book, Internet Riches, or subscribe to my free E-Commerce Success email newsletters at, you know that I''m a successful online entrepreneur myself. So my focus in this book is on teaching you how to grow your audience using free and low-cost techniques. These include social networking on Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn, blogs, e-mail publishing, viral video promotions, and updates to traditional techniques like word-of-mouth marketing and public relations, plus more technical disciplines like RSS, autoresponders, microblogs like Twitter, podcasting through iTunes, and more. If you read e-Riches 2.
0 , you''ll learn the basics of building your audience using all of these new marketing tools plus smart tips on search engine keyword advertising and affiliate programs, too. (These last two are actually paid advertising strategies, but they are so cost-effective and different from traditional marketing techniques that I want to introduce you to them, too.) This material is not just me talking, nor is it full of vague theories. e-Riches 2.0 is full of practical details from my personal experience, plus dozens of profiles, case studies, interviews, references, and studies from other real-world experts and real people who are using these new tools successfully. Their success is not just theory but actual (profitable) fact that I want to share with you. Reading e-Riches 2.0 will make you a smarter, more modern marketer.
This includes becoming clever enough with Web 2.0 online marketing tools to: Successfully "do it yourself" in the new world of online marketing Save a lot of money by learning many of the complex-sounding techniques that high-priced consultants will try to charge you for Impress your techie friends, colleagues, and boss Become a better manager of marketing campaigns and employees Learn to be a smarter client if you choose to hire consultants Advance your career by leading the most successful new marketing campaigns for your company''s products All of these will help both your career and your wallet. The Online Opportunity for You I know you want practical guidance. I wrote my book Internet Riches because I was fed up with best sellers that offer only vague strategies for "attracting abundance" as substitutes for a real action plan. Internet Riches taught people how to start their own e-businesses based on their personal expertise and interests. Now I''m back with e-Riches 2.0 . This book takes the same practical, detailed approach.
I''ve again researched, evaluated, tested, studied, and analyzed all the new marketing tools that I could find online for you. In the space we have available here, I''m going to give you information on the best strategies I have found, plus tools you can use to evaluate and prioritize them depending on your needs and business interests. (And the education continues online at Scott, where updates to this book and a worldwide community of fellow marketers and entrepreneurs is available to you 24/7.) Despite constant media coverage of bad economic news, the Internet Gold Rush is still happening today. Never before in history have you been able to reach so many people so quickly, so easily, and so cost-effectively. So, my question for you is: What are you doing to profit from the Internet Gold Rush? There are now more than 1.5 billion people online.
That means that no matter how obscure your product or how targeted your pitch, it''s likely that there are people on theWeb right now who want your product. The trick is for you to reach them cost-effectively. You need to let these potential customers know that your product is the solution to their problems. That''s the purpose of marketing and your job as a marketer. All the new tools available online may sound overwhelming, especially if you are new to the online world, but thesemarketing techniques are known and knowable. I have detailed in this book a set of specific, tactical steps for attracting the recurring traffic that your business deserves. I''ve even summarized my recommended online marketing philosophies into 9 Commandments for e-Riches Marketing Success and also created a Top 10 List of Online Marketing Success Tips to help you (see Chapter 1). If you follow these steps, you will increase your marketing reach online and learn to make more money.
For additional coverage and updates to these topics, please visit Your purchase of this book entitles you to a free trial membership in my online coaching community. (See the front of the book for more details on this Special Offer.) The Four Audiences for e-Riches 2.0 A key factor for success is a desire to be outstanding at Marketing. It does not matter how great your entrepreneurial idea is, you have to be able to convert it to sales. That''s why marketing is such a vital skill.
--Chris Cardell, Cardell Media You should read this book if you are: 1. A corporate marketer or agency employee. Your employer needs your expertise in order to compete. If your marketing campaigns are not attracting new customers daily, you will soon lose your job to someone who "gets it" better than you do. 2. A small business owner or partner. For the first time in history, small businesses like yours can compete with the "big boys" worldwide. But being good at marketing is a key entrepreneurial success factor that entrepreneurs often overlook.
It''s naïve to think that just having good ideas and working hard to produce great products will lead to sales success. Don''t kid yourself into thinking that you can find success with a product or service without being committed to spending a significant amount of your ti.