A leading practitioner, trainer and author Lesley is known internationally for her PSHE education work. She has worked with a range of organisations including: DAATs, DfE, DoH, HIT (Liverpool), Home Office, Integrated Youth Support Services, LAs, Metropolitan Police, NICE, PCTs, QCA, schools, TPU and universities. Lesley serves as an 'Education Practitioner' member of the Public Health Interventions Advisory Committee (PHIAC), which is part of the National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence (NICE). She was Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees at JAT (a sexual health charity) and is an Associate Trainer for the National Children's Bureau and Brook. Soon to be published by Franklin Watts, an imprint of Hachette Children's Books 'The A-Z of Growing Up, Puberty and Sex'- jointly written with Stephen De Silva. Lesley works voluntarily, at least once a week, in the Stanmore branch of her local Hospice's (St Luke's) charity shop. As well as serving in the shop she enjoys dressing the windows and creating displays inside the shop. She's recently executed an "events" theme - including: "Christmas and Chanuka"; "St Valentines Day"; "St Patricks Day"; "Easter"; The Diamond Jubilee"; "Olympics" etc.
In her spare time Lesley likes to attend Arts events. Aided by her "Freedom Pass" she frequently visits galleries and museums (often accompanied by her young nieces and nephew). She particulalry enjoys the theatre, attending the National Theatre as often as possible. Her reading tastes are varied - from Martina Cole and James Patterson crime thrillers to Jodi Picoult's novels.and yes, she has read all three books in the "Fifty Shades of Grey" trilogy - after all, she says [tongue in cheek], "It does link in to Sex and Relationship Education (SRE)".