"Lennard Zinn is a veritable cycling Einstein, and as a naturally gifted teacher he has the unique ability to explain even the most difficult mechanical task." -- Davis Phinney, Olympic medalist, U.S. Pro champion, and Tour de France stage winner "Understanding the mechanics of your bike, knowing how to adjust it to suit your riding style, and knowing how to keep it running smoothly are essential to your mountain biking performance. Nobody teaches these skills better than the famous artiste "Leonardo da Zinnski." -- Ned Overend, World and National Mountain Bike Champion "Lennard Zinn is an institution in the bicycle world--a legend. Legions of cyclists have learned to repair bikes from him, ridden bicycles he's built, or used his advice as guidance on how to better enjoy the world on two wheels." -- Bicycle Times magazine "Regardless of your skill level, this book is a great manual to have on hand.
In its 5th edition, Zinn adds to an already impressive knowledge base, keeping things up-to-date with current innovations and tools. It doesn't spend all of its 464 pages going over installation and maintenance procedures; there are also a lot of useful tips and tricks." -- Adventure Cycling magazine "Zinn is very good at taking you incrementally through the learning process--whether you are a beginner or expert mechanic." -- Out There Monthly magazine "This book almost rates along with those 'missing manuals' that exist for computer software. When was the last time the manual that came with your bike bore any relation to it? Exactly. You could barely buy a decent tire for the price of this book and that should be justification enough." -- TheWashingMachinePost.net "Simple to reaad and follow, the illustrated, large-format paperback manual features everything from replacing a flat to repairing components.
It's a great addition to any new biker's library but offers invaluable advice for experts, too." -- Sports Guide magazine "This 5th edition contains details on bike technology introduced since 2005. Includes sections on belt drives and internal gear hubs, which are completely ignored in almost ever other general audience repair book." -- Cyclelicio.us.