Making Sense of the College Curriculum : Faculty Stories of Change, Conflict, and Accommodation
Making Sense of the College Curriculum : Faculty Stories of Change, Conflict, and Accommodation
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Author(s): Zemsky, Robert
ISBN No.: 9780813595023
Pages: 200
Year: 201806
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 46.25
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

?Interviews of nearly 180 faculty at a diverse range of colleges and universities demonstrate an inspiring commitment to teaching and to doing whatever it takes to improve student learning. Yet this commitment has not translated into the kind of curricular reform our colleges and our society need if higher education is to be more accessible and effective. The authors, in candidly recounting faculty stories of frustrating failure as well as joyful success, provide important new insights into the many exasperating barriers to broader curricular change; impediments which can only be overcome by a new kind of partnership among faculty, institutional decision makers, and education leaders.? ? Richard Detweiler, Ph.D, President, Great Lakes Colleges Association ?There has been an on-going national conversation about what is taught in the higher education classroom and how much it matters. Making Sense of the College Curriculum responds strongly and directly to the conversation by offering a critical assessment of what some of the most committed teachers in higher education aspire to do in modernizing the curriculum. It places balanced emphasis on matters of racial and other social differences, the influence of social media, and the existence of instructional and other technology that have shaped the contemporary challenge of higher education teaching. It also delivers a clear message to faculty that thinking in much the same way over time about pedagogy is perilous because students are coming to the classroom each semester, academic year, and decade with different interests, capacities, and expectations about what higher educational learning is all about.

Hence, for dedicated instructors sensitivity, self-awareness, and preparedness for adaption must be the constants.? ? Alford A. Young, Jr., co-editor, Faculty Social Identity and the Challenges of Diversity: Reflections on Teaching in Highe "?Making Sense of the College Curriculum?: Authors discuss new book examining the faculty role -- and how professors view their responsibilities" by Scott Jaschik ? Inside Higher Education "Selected New Books in Higher Education," compiled by Ruth Hammond ? Chronicle of Higher Education "Not Just for Video Games: Virtual Reality Joins the Classroom" article in Teaching Newsletter ? Chronicle of Higher Education "Panicked universities in search of students are adding thousands of new majors" by Jon Marcus ? Washington Post "Colleges Nationwide Hope New Majors Will Attract Students," Robert Zemsky interview with Lauren Gilger ? KJZZ " Making Sense of The College Curriculum is a useful start about how to make a coherent college curriculum." ? VoegelinView.

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