Urban Imaginaries of Fear : Historical Reconstructions of a Segregated and Fragmented Mexican City
Urban Imaginaries of Fear : Historical Reconstructions of a Segregated and Fragmented Mexican City
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Author(s): Zarazua Villasenor, Ulises
ISBN No.: 9781608015009
Year: 202507
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 54.51
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available (Forthcoming)

This investigation seeks to understand how urban imaginaries of fear have led to segregation and fragmentation in the Mexican city of Guadalajara. The distinct socio-economic spaces of Santa Cecilia and Puerta de Hierro are explored to understand the social constructions of fear and perceived danger in urban areas. This study employs a multidisciplinary approach through ethnographic fieldwork, historical reconstruction, archival research, and media content analysis to examine the socio-spatial dynamics that have propagated the urban imaginaries of fear that exist in Guadalajara. It reveals how the historically marginalized Santa Cecilia district has been portrayed as a wild no-go zone full of danger. In turn, Puerta de Hierro's gated community reflects its affluent residents' fears and the trending desire for urban separation, isolation, and fortification.

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