After the meeting with Devila, Staracon realized that he had burned many bridges. He planned the greatest war of the universe. While traveling back to the Realm of Hell (Inferno), Devila had a smile on her face with the satisfaction of knowing that she would destroy Staracon. Staracon stayed in the throne room of his castle and thought about possible future events. "We have a lot of work to do," he said, rising out of his chair .It began to rain on Planet Gala and the rain was fierce as lighting and thunder continued to plague the planet. The storm approached with the power of the gods; they were punishing the planet for the sin that was caused. Staracon stepped outside the castle, landed on the countryside and watched his soldiers and the people who resided there.
Water was piercing the planet like needles in the skin of everyone. Lightening continued to strike fiercely, hitting some who were in his path, killing people instantly. Staracon raised his hands. In attempt to control the weather, he focused his chi energy towards the sky and shot an energy blast towards the sky.