Geoffrey Yeo is an Archives and Records Management specialist at the Department of Information Studies, University College London. Dr Elizabeth Shepherd qualified as an archivist and worked in archives and records management in local government before becoming a records management specialist at TFPL Ltd. In 1992 she was appointed in the Department of Information Studies at University College London (UCL), to update and revise the MA in Archives and Records Management of which she was programme director until 2002. In 2003 she was appointed a senior lecturer, in 2007 Reader, and Professor of Archives and Records Management in 2011. She teaches concepts and contexts and the recordkeeping professional and co-ordinates the research skills module for doctoral students in DIS. Gillian Oliver is an academic at the School of Information Management, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Her PhD is from Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Her research interests centre on organisational culture, and the influences this has on the way that information is managed.
She is the co-author of Records Management and Information Culture (Facet 2014) and Digital Curation, 2nd edition (Facet 2016) and is Co-editor in Chief of the journal Archival Science. Fiorella Foscarini holds a PhD in archival studies from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Prior to joining the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto, she worked as senior archivist for the European Central Bank. In her teaching and research, she uses archival science, diplomatics and genre theory, as well as ideas of organizational culture and information culture to investigate how records are created, managed, and preserved in organizations. Patricia C. Franks is an associate Professor in the School of Library and Information Science (SLIS) at San Jose State University in California, where she serves as the Master of Archives and Records Administration (MARA) Program Coordinator and the SLIS Internship Program Coordinator. Dr. Franks supervises virtual interns and teaches courses related to information organizations and management, archival studies, and records management.
Her professional activities include working with ARMA International, most recently as Consensus Group Leader for both ANSI/ARMA 1-2011 Implications of Web-Based, Collaborative Technologies in Records Management and ARMA TR 21-2012 Using Social Media in Organizations. Lynn Coleman was Regional Records Manager, Europe, Middle East & Africa for a global investment bank in London. She recently relocated to Australia where she undertakes records management projects. Victoria L. Lemieux is Director of the Centre for the Investigation of Financial Electronic Records and an assistant professor of archival studies at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. Rod Stone is Records Manager - Global Policy & Oversight at the Royal Bank of Scotland in London. Dr Julie McLeod is a Reader and Programme Leader for Records Management courses at the School of Computing, Engineering and Information Sciences, Northumbria University. Catherine Hare BA PGCE MCLIP is Manager of the UK office of the Community of Science in Newcastle upon Tyne, and was until recently on secondment to the United Nations in New York.