Issue Editors'' Notes 1 Karina Weichold, Fabrizia Giannotta Executive Summary 9 Models, theories, and their implication for prevention 1. Substance use: Determinants and opportunities for prevention in the family and school context Marloes Kleinjan, Rutger C. M. E. Engels 15 Risk behavior including substance use is highly prevalent and relates to various negative outcomes. The authors summarize research on the determinants of youth substance use, and they discuss options for prevention and intervention, especially in the school context. 2. Applying neurodevelopmental theory to school-based drug misuse prevention during adolescence Nathaniel R.
Riggs, David S. Black, Anamara Ritt-Olson 33 The adolescent brain undergoes tremendous changes affecting, for instance, emotions, motivation, cognition, which contribute to substance misuse vulnerability in this life phase. Based on that, the authors introduce innovative school-based preventive approaches incorporating neurocognitive models. 3. Substance misuse prevention: Addressing anhedonia Steve Sussman, Adam Leventhal 45 The authors highlight the importance of anhedonia as a risk factor for substance misuse in adolescence and discuss options for preventive efforts targeting anhedonia in school context and beyond. Examples of excellence for effective prevention attempts 4. Life skills training: Preventing substance misuse by enhancing individual and social competence Gilbert J. Botvin, Kenneth W.
Griffin 57 The Life Skills Training (LST) is one of the most successful school-based prevention strategies against substance misuse in the United States, whereby the enhancement of individual and social competence is a key target. This chapter introduces the conceptual framework and provides a summary of evaluation findings. 5. "Unplugged," a European school-based program for substance use prevention among adolescents: Overview of results from the EU-Dap trial Federica D. Vigna-Taglianti, Maria Rosaria Galanti, Gregor Burkhart, Maria Paola Caria, Serena Vadrucci, Fabrizio Faggiano for the EU-Dap Study Group 67 The transfer of a prevention program from one culture to the other is often a challenge. One unique attempt to assess the effectiveness of a substance misuse prevention program implemented in seven different European countries is the evaluation of the program "Unplugged." 6. Translation of etiology into evidence-based prevention: The life skills program IPSY Karina Weichold 83 Guided by models of translational research dealing with conditions of a successful translation of etiological findings into evidence-based prevention programs, this chapter summarizes the results of a more than ten-year research program focusing on the development and evaluation of the IPSY (Information + Psychosocial Competence = Protection) program, as conducted in the European context.
7. You''ve shown the program model is effective. Now what? Phyllis L. Ellickson 95 After the successful evaluation of a program, it is often difficult to ensure that the program will be delivered in practice as designed and thus get results close to what was found under controlled conditions. Based on field experiences gathered along with the implementation and evaluation of the Project ALERT, this chapter discusses possible strategies for enhancing program attractiveness to potential adopters and users, facilitating program fidelity while maintaining room for adaptation. Program dissemination and transfer into practice 8. Improving dissemination of evidence-based programs through researcher-practitioner collaboration Metin O¨ zdemir, Fabrizia Giannotta 107 Dissemination of evidence-based programs is a major challenge. The authors stress the importance of a close collaboration of both researchers and practitioners to develop assessment systems, methods for improving implementation quality, and the identification of core elements of prevention programs.
Economic aspects of school-based interventions 9. Advancing school-based interventions through economic analysis Tina M. Olsson, Laura Ferrer-Wreder, Lilianne Eninger 117 This chapter addresses the importance of economic analysis for the future of school-based substance abuse prevention programs and highlights the role of prevention research in the development of knowledge that can be used for economic analysis. Index 125.