Issue Editors'' Notes ( Peter L. Benson, Eugene C. Roehlkepartain, Kathryn L. Hong ). Executive Summary. 1. Spiritual development: A missing priority in youth development ( Peter L. Benson, Eugene C.
Roehlkepartain ) This article examines how an emerging body of international research sets the stage for addressing spiritual development as an integral part of youth development, and how attending to this dimension of life could improve the well-being of adolescents while also strengthening community life and civil society. 2. Addressing spiritual development in youth development programs and practices: Opportunities and challenges ( Karen Pittman, Pamela Garza, Nicole Yohalem, Stephanie Artman ) The authors examine whether and how youth development programs and practices address spiritual development and how these practices reflect, contradict, and extend the themes Benson and Roehlkepartain outlined in the foundational essay. They identify emerging best practices for addressing spiritual development within a program environment. 3. Spiritual development in faith communities and secular societies ( John A. Emmett ) As societies become more pluralistic and secularized, youth workers from both faith-based and community-based settings need to take on the new roles of curator and navigation guide to assist young people with their spiritual development. 4.
Putting spiritual development of young people on the map: An English perspective ( Maxine Green ) The National Youth Agency of the United Kingdom undertook a major examination of the role of spiritual development in youth work in the United Kingdom, including extensive dialogue about how spirituality and spiritual development are defined. This article highlights the ways that the situation in the UK can contribute to a broader understanding of spirituality in youth. Promising Practices. 5. Perspectives on spiritual development as part of youth development ( Jane Quinn ) An experienced youth worker describes her journey in coming to understand the importance of spiritual development. 6. KidSpirit magazine: Youth in dialogue about life''s big questions ( Elizabeth Dabney Hochman ) A mother and social entrepreneur contributes both youth voices and her own insights based on recent work in creating a magazine on spiritual development. 7.
Youth mentoring and spiritual development ( Jean E. Rhodes, Christian S. Chan ) Both mentoring programs in congregations and spiritual aspects of traditional secular mentoring programs offer youth benefits. 8. The spiritual nature of service-learning ( Liane J. Louie-Badua, Maura Wolf ) High-quality service-learning contributes to spiritual development. 9. Coming of age and awakening to spiritual consciousness through rites of passage ( David G.
Blumenkrantz, Kathryn L. Hong ) An ancient pathway to spiritual growth deserves modern attention. 10. Contemplative education and youth development ( Patricia A. Jennings ) A rapidly growing international movement aims to promote well-being among children and youth through contemplative education. 11. Spiritual development and camp experiences ( Karla A. Henderson, M.
Deborah Bialeschki ) Camp experiences provide many youth with a nature-centered context for spiritual development. 12. Spiritual development in youth worker preparation: A matter of resolve ( Elisabeth M. Kimball ) The issue is not how to integrate spiritual development into youth worker preparation, but whether those involved have the resolve. 13. Spiritual development with marginalized youth: A status report ( Melanie Wilson, Kristal S. Nicholson ) Agencies developing programs for adolescent clients should consider spiritual exploration and growth a core part of treatment and allow youth to participate in spiritual programming as much or as little as they wish. Discussion and Resources.
14. Spiritual development in adolescence: Toward enriching theories, research, and professional practice ( Anne C. Petersen ) This article discusses four questions: (1) Why has spiritual development for adolescence emerged now, at this point in history? (2) What is spiritual development? (3) What are the next steps to be taken to pursue spiritual development for adolescents? (4) What might be the resistance to this pursuit, and what are the implications of this path? Resources: Spiritual development--youth development ( Compiled by Sandra P. Longfellow ) An annotated bibliography introduces practitioners to some of the core literature at the intersection of these two realms of development. Index.