A Practical Guide to the Science and Practice of Afterschool Programming
A Practical Guide to the Science and Practice of Afterschool Programming
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Author(s): YD
Youth Development Staff (Corporate)
ISBN No.: 9781119049036
Pages: 128
Year: 201501
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 40.02
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Issue Editors' Notes 1 Joseph L.Mahoney, Gina Warner Executive Summary 11 1. Using relational developmental systems theory to link program goals, activities, and outcomes: The sample case of the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development 17 Richard M. Lerner, Jun Wang, Paul A. Chase, Akira S. Gutierrez, Elise M. Harris, Rachel O. Rubin, Ceren Yalin Commentary by Brian Burkhard Positive youth development can be promoted when strengths are aligned with contextual assets found in youth after school programs.

2. Afterschool quality 31 Charles Smith, Tom Akiva, Gina McGovern, Stephen C. Peck Commentary by Karen Pittman A strong foundation has been built for the afterschool field to deliver high-quality services. 3. Moving beyond attendance: Lessons learned from assessing engagement in afterschool contexts 45 Jennifer A. Fredricks, Amy M. Bohnert, Kimberly Burdette Commentary by Dale A. Blyth This chapter describes different methods for assessing engagement and features of engaging afterschool programs.

4. Growth-promoting relationships with children and youth 59 Renée Spencer, Jean E. Rhodes Commentary by Tiffany Cooper Gueye Adults working in afterschool settings must be able to engage youth in core components of productive adult-youth relationships. 5. Behavior management in afterschool settings 73 Joseph L. Mahoney Commentary by Julie Bookwalter This chapter describes a proven approach to reduce or eliminate children's problem behaviors in educational settings such as afterschool programs. 6. Family, school, and community partnerships: Practical strategies for afterschool programs 89 Matia Finn-Stevenson Commentary by Jane Quinn Through research and practical strategies, this chapter demonstrates the powerful role afterschool programs play in addressing the need for a whole child approach to education.

7. Cultural competence in afterschool programs 105 Sandra D. Simpkins, Nathaniel R. Riggs Commentary by Lynne M. Borden Afterschool program leaders must consider how to adapt their program to make it culturally relevant to the youth and families they serve. 8. Evaluating afterschool programs 119 Priscilla M. Little Commentary by Amy R.

Gerstein This chapter provides practical guidance on how to create an alignment between program and evaluation design that can help to foster desirable outcomes for the participants. Index 133.

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