Career Programming - Linking Youth to the World of Work
Career Programming - Linking Youth to the World of Work
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Author(s): YD
Youth Development Staff (Corporate)
ISBN No.: 9781118439623
Pages: 128
Year: 201208
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 40.02
Status: Out Of Print

Issue Editors' Notes 1 Kathryn Hynes, Barton J. Hirsch Executive Summary 7 1. Career development during childhood and adolescence 11 Erik J. Porfeli, Bora Lee A review of the literature on how children and adolescents develop careerrelated identities highlights important considerations for intervention. 2. Teenage employment and career readiness 23 Kaylin M. Greene, Jeremy Staff This article highlights recent research on the prevalence of adolescent employment and its consequences and highlights implications for practice. 3.

What schools are doing around career development: Implications for policy and practice 33 Justin C. Perry, Eric W. Wallace This article describes the history of schools' involvement in career programming and identifies promising models for the future. 4. Support for career development in youth: Program models and evaluations 45 Megan A. Mekinda After describing the evaluation findings from four programs offering career development, this article highlights lessons for future program design. 5. Marketable job skills for high school students: What we learned from an evaluation of After School Matters 55 Kendra P.

Alexander, Barton J. Hirsch An in-depth exploration of data from the After School Matters evaluation highlights an important component of career programming and a promising area for intervention. 6. Development in youth enterprises 65 Stephen F. Hamilton, Mary Agnes Hamilton This article describes several programs involving youth in enterprises and highlights how these programs connect to important principles of youth development. 7. Building business-community partnerships to support youth development 77 Donna Klein Based on experience working with the private sector, the author suggests ways to build community partnerships, with a special focus on engaging private employers in the effort. 8.

Supporting vocationally oriented learning in the high school years: Rationale, tasks, challenges 85 Robert Halpern Drawing from diverse research fields, this article highlights the limitations of our current system of education and suggests strategies for improvement. 9. Next steps for research and practice in career programming 107 Kathryn Hynes Drawing from the various perspectives presented in this volume, this article highlights areas for further research and practice. Index 115.

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