After becoming a mother of two children and potty training her young son, Dr. Patricia Wynne realized that toilet training was a dynamic and highly individualized process. Despite making many mistakes herself, her son was successfully potty trained by the age of 2 1/2. At the end of her tumultuous journey, she felt inspired to write this book and share what she had learned with other parents. She now spends her time writing about parenting and caring for her two young children who are both under the age of 3. Prior to motherhood, Dr. Wynne obtained her doctorate degree in Neuroscience from the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Her diverse passions include researching the molecular underpinnings of alcoholism, business development in the biotechnology sector, intellectual property law, and teaching.
As a result of her multi-faceted interests, Dr. Wynne has also earned her M.B.A. from the University of Massachusetts, Isenberg School of Management, and is a registered patent agent with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. She has been published in journals such as Neuron , the Journal of Neuroscience , and the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics . For a more behind-the-scenes look at Dr. Wynne's own personal potty training experience and other parenting tips, please visit her blog which can be found at www.