There is an identifiable purpose for our being here. Will you find it? Or, will you continue to look in the wrong places (i.e., traditional organized religions, the same religions that today are responsible for division and mounting world tension)?Moral Debt reveals our Purpose of Being, a Purpose many believe is found in religious teachings, but in fact, is discovered by closely observing the UNIVERSAL traits that TRANSCEND our existence.Moral Debt illuminates the map of the human soul - the Ladder - as well as the forces that lift us up and pull us down our Ladder, Balloons and Anchors.If you read Moral Debt you will learn how religious teachings can't possibly provide the UNIVERSAL ANSWERS that can explain our entire existence. Rather, you will find that our Purpose of Being is found elsewhere, in a transcendent place all of us can find, in a single lifetime, regardless of our economic, cultural, or social background.Read Moral Debt and never look at the world the same way again.
Moral Debt : An Ascension of the Human Spirit