Table of Contents Chapter 1: I Vant to Suck Your Blood Out for Blood What is Blood? Blood for Survival At Stake Blood Brothers Chapter 2: Warm-Blooded Slurpers Got (Warm) Blood? Flesh and Blood Blood Feasts Vampire Bats Sharing in the Blood Bath Chapter 3: Pecking Orders Vampire Finches Birds That Want Blood Chapter 4: Fliers and Buzzers Who's That Buzzing in My Ear? Not Horsing Around Battle of the Bloodsuckers Sensing a Blood Buffet Salty Sips Beautiful Blooderflies Chapter 5: Crawlers What Makes a Tick Tick? Seven Habits of Highly Annoying Ticks Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite The Kiss of Death Bloodsucking the Bloodsuckers Mighty Mite Lousy Lice Nice for Lice: Does Your Hair Measure Up? Chapter 6: Swimmers Leeching Beneath Your Skin Suckered! Catching (and Draining) Some Rays Pale Around the Gills Chapter 7: Where Bloodsuckers Live and Bleed Chapter 8: There's a Sucker Born Every Minute Life Cycle of a Mosquito Life Cycle of a Kissing Bug Blood and Guts Vampire Batterfly: A Metamorphosis Game Chapter 9: Parasites From the Past Weighing in on Fleas Amber: As Good As Gold? Blood from a Stone Chapter 10: Blood, Sweat, and Fears Flea Bitten Disease Carried by Bad Blood Ticked Off in Northern Canada These Welts Are Bugging Me! Fraught With Danger Chapter 11: Vampires Keeping Us Safe and Sound Opening the Blood Gates Flea For Your Life Kissing Syringes Goodbye Battling Heart Attacks Chapter 12: Suck it Up! We Need Those Bloodsuckers! Marvellous Mosquitos Stuck In a Web Blood on the BATtlefield Chapter 13: Leave My Blood Alone! Stop Bugging Me! Bug Off! The Clock is Ticking Planet-Wide Pest Control Don't Be a Sucker! Index Glossary Further Reading Bibliography Image Credits.
Bite into Bloodsuckers