Transformers: EarthSpark is a kids animated series from Nickelodeon and Hasbro introducing the first Transformers bots to be born on Earth, streaming on Paramount+! The beloved characters from the show have all-new adventures in this bind-up of four action-packed illustrated chapter books with foil on the cover! Optimus Prime and Megatron's mission at a big auto race takes a turn when they must protect Bumblebee and the Terrans from discovery. The Terrans attempt to bake something sweet for the Maltos, and also compete against each other in a Terran Triathlon! When Robby and Mo have to stay home from a mission, an unexpected challenge emerges. Can teamwork save the day? This fast-paced, page-turning bind-up includes: Optimus Prime and Megatron's Racetrack Recon! The Terrans Cook Up Some Mischief! May The Best Bot Win! No Malto Left Behind! TRANSFORMERS (c) 2024 Hasbro. Transformers: EarthSpark TV series (c) 2024 Hasbro/Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Transformers EarthSpark 4 Action-Packed Chapter Books In 1! : Optimus Prime and Megatron's Racetrack Recon!; the Terrans Cook up Some Mischief!; May the Best Bot Win!; No Malto Left Behind!