Financial decisions that will have a major impact on our individual lives, notably pensions, are being increasingly shifted to us, as individuals, and away from government and employers. Most of us can no longer expect to benefit from gold-plated defined benefit pension schemes. This situation is further exasperated by increasing life expectancy, allowing longer periods of active retirement, and a cash strapped government continually tinkering with policy to make ends meet. This book provides a short, simple and actionable guide to financial planning for retirement, including all the latest changes for the 2018/2019 financial year. It is applicable to all of us who are employed and wish to ensure that they have a comfortable retirement. Nobody at the end of their working life, wants to be forced into surviving cold winters with minimum heating and budgeting every penny. Unfortunately, for many of us, this may be a reality. The book takes a very simple three-step approach.
Firstly, by means of example profiles, determine what sort of retirement you want. Secondly, review your existing pension provision and determine what your retirement income is likely to be. Finally, if a shortfall exists, it presents a number of different strategies for addressing this deficit, depending upon your individual circumstances. The following topics are covered: Income requirements in retirement. The New State Pension, including how to boost it. Workplace Pensions, both Defined Benefits and Defined Contribution schemes. Stakeholder and SIPP pensions. Stock and Share ISAs and the newer Lifetime ISAs.
Buy to Let. Equity Release. What distinguishes it from other books is that it takes a hands-on approach, with numerous examples, and includes practical information on: What makes a good investment. Asset classes and risk management. The dangers of home bias and active management. Investing structures and strategies. How to use wrappers to protect your investments from the ravages of the taxman. Finally, the book concludes with a seven-step action plan to empower you to take your first steps towards financially securing your retirement.